Журнал предпринимательского образования



Towards A Happy, Creative and Social Higher Education Institution: The Case of Non-Profit Marketing and Business Creation Subjects at the University of Cadiz

Rafael Ravina-Ripoll, Estela Núñez-Barriopedro, Araceli Galiano-Coronil, Luis Bayardo Tobar-Pesántez

One of the social responsibilities university professors of a Marketing class should have is to provide their students basic knowledge about the history of companies, marketing, etc. Therefore, some professors from the University of Cádiz who taught Non-Profit Marketing and Business Creation during the first semester of the 2017 academic period created a collaborative teaching approach based on historical debates related to these two classes. The election of this pedagogical tool is justified since it is widely used by prestigious universities such as Oxford and Harvard to promote happiness and creativity in students by developing reflective thought, oratory, teamwork, emotional intelligence and Aristotelian dialogue. The obtained results are expected to encourage the implementation of historical debates in other Spanish faculties.