Журнал предпринимательского образования



The Impact of E-Brain Storming (Individual, Collective) in the Development of Educational Design and Scientific Thinking Skills of Graduate Students

Hatim Ibrahim

The objective of the current research to identify the most appropriate strategy for e-brainstorming learning (individual-collective) is most appropriate with regard to the development of both the cognitive and cognitive aspect of educational design skills, and the scientific thinking skills of graduate students, and the sample of the research was randomly selected from graduate students of the Division of Education Technology of Imam Abdul Rahman University in Saudi Arabia numbered (90) students, and the actual application of experimental treatment materials was conducted and after conducting statistical treatments, the results of the research resulted in differences indicative between the average statistical The grades of experimental group students in the cognitive achievement test associated with educational design skills, a product evaluation card, educational design skills and scientific thinking skills are due to the fundamental impact of the e-brainstorming strategies (individual versus collective) in favour of collective electronic brainstorming.