Журнал предпринимательского образования



Study of Internal Migration in the Agricultural Sector and Its Place in the Entrepreneurial Education

Aruzhan Jussibaliyeva, Aigul Kurmanalina, Gulnaz Demeuova, Gizat Abdykerova, Gulistan Akhmetova, Murat Aimurzinov, Kuralay Balginova, Raushan Yesbergen, Aliya Shaharova

The article studies features of the internal migration, justifies its importance in entrepreneurial education. The future entrepreneur should have knowledge of migration processes in the agrarian sector, with the goal of a successful regional economy. The article presents the impact of internal migration on employment in the agricultural sector, outlines the main principles of the state migration policy, considers the socioeconomic aspects of regulating the migration of people from labor-surplus to labor-deficient regions of Kazakhstan. The current problems of rural employment are substantiated. This article proposes a comprehensive method of analysis based on the following aspects:-territorial aspect;-the reasons for migration;-the political situation in the region;-the policies carried out in the region;-the level of development of rural areas. Having defined the features of the migration process, the authors want to emphasize the need to study this topic in the system of entrepreneurial education. Since migration, and therefore the turnover of human resources directly affects the success of the enterprise, its competitiveness and, as a consequence, the general economic situation in the country.