Журнал предпринимательского образования



Innovative Technologies in Entrepreneurship Education: The Case of European and Asian Countries

Elvir Munirovich Akhmetshin, Julia Eduardovna Mueller, Sergey Olegovich Chikunov, Elena Alekseevna Fedchenko, Olga Nikolaevna Pronskaya,

The use of the outdated methods and technologies that do not meet the requirements to a modern specialist in the labor market is one of the most urgent problems of modern education. The purpose of the research is to describe the current condition of the Russian entrepreneurship education in terms of the use of innovative technologies. Besides, the research is aimed at identifying the deficiencies of their implementation process that can lead to the students’ dissatisfaction with learning process and to the lack of their readiness for professional activity. The authors surveyed 210 four-year students of the following universities: Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University and Mari State University (The Russian Federation). The purpose of the research is to evaluate to effectiveness of the innovative methods that have been introduced into education program of four-year students, to identify their deficiencies that can somehow influence the students’ readiness for professional (in our case, entrepreneurial) activity.

The students demonstrated general dissatisfaction with the influence of innovative technologies in universities upon education quality. They mentioned a lack of innovative methods that have been applied in practice, the insufficient technical facilities of the classrooms. Besides, it has been identified that the change in the requirements to education on the part of economic sector of labor market led to the students’ dissatisfaction with their professional skills. The result of the research can influence the innovative transformations in education in the following specialties: “Enterprise and Organization Economics”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Economics. International business”. As a result of the research, the recommendations have been formulated that can be realized by virtue of the joint work of local authorities, administration of universities and teaching staff. It is recommended to modernize the technical facilities of universities (computer classrooms, the use interactive boards). Besides, introduction of innovative methods is very important, because they will significantly increase the students’ readiness for practical activity. Such methods include case-technologies, “round tables”, seminars in a form of debates. The list of the subjects at each faculty needs certain revision. More innovative disciplines must be introduced that directly relate to the students’ professional activity with the emphasis upon practice.