Журнал предпринимательского образования



Entrepreneurship Model for Creation of Designer Competences in the Process of Professional Training

Ihor Bondar, Tatyana Gumenyuk, Natalia Udris-Borodavko, Oleksandra Penchuk

The article presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution to the problem of the formation of terminological competence of future graphic designers. The analysis of the psychological-pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature confirms that the formation of terminological competence of future graphic designers is a topical and insufficiently researched problem of pedagogy. The terminological competence of future graphic designers is interpreted as the formed ability to use and design terms correctly in a professional activity, to understand and produce professional expressions in various situations of professional communication, with the obligatory use of professional vocabulary and resort to linguistic and social rules, which were followed by native speakers, using experience gained while preparing for HEI and motivating yourself to achieve high results in professional activity. The structural components of the terminological competence of future graphic designers include motivational and value-based, cognitive, activity, information and communication components.