Журнал предпринимательского образования



Entrepreneurship Education Required in the Future

Dr. Marlin Hoffman

Entrepreneurship education is pivotal in producing successful entrepreneurs in any part of the world; however, the way in which it is taught is brought into question. With a new generation entering classrooms and lecture halls, which thrive on a different teaching methodology due to their exposure to technology, we are currently not getting through to them, as we are teaching about entrepreneurship. It is important therefore to consider that the older methods no longer apply, and if we want to achieve the best results- not just when graduating but also in start-ups - we will have to think of teaching differently. The new generation requires experiential learning as they want to figure out for themselves how to solve problems in order to win the contest or task that has been set before them. Business simulation is the answer to teaching for entrepreneurship to learners and students in a way that would contribute to their ability much more than is currently the case. The economic skies await the entrepreneurs entering the business world with their start-ups, and being well equipped to “take to the sky” is important to the survival of these young entrepreneurs.
