Журнал предпринимательского образования



Development of Integrated Entrepreneurship Education Program on Democratic Economy Based in Higher Education at East Lombok Regency

Muhamad Ali, Hamzan Wathani

This research and development aims to (1) describe the problem and analysis of the needs of a model for an integrated entrepreneurial education programs on populist economics based in universities in East Lombok district; (2) design an integrated entrepreneurship education programs on populist economic based in universities in East Lombok Regency; (3) measure the effectiveness of the results of the development of integrated entrepreneurship education programs on populist economics based in Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Study Program as a sample. The method used in this research development was a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach of Reeves 4-phase. The steps taken in this research and development were; (1) Preliminary studies carried out using a survey, observation, interview and FGD approach for problem identification and needs analysis, (2) Conceptually compiling products, carried out in a participatory manner as a collaboration team (3) Product design trials, which include testing expert validation, trials are limited to small groups of field trials and (4) Overall product development evaluations of a series of results of trials that have been carried out to obtain responses, inputs and final notes as a basis for conducting final revisions to the results of the development products. The subjects in this research and development were 37 students of fifth semester students of Economic Education Study Program STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong. The results of problem identification and needs analysis show that there was a need to design an entrepreneurship education programs that tightly integrated between learning on subjects based and student activities. The results of this research and development indicated that an integrated entrepreneurship education programs were effective in increasing student interest and awareness for entrepreneurship, forming attitudes and character of students in entrepreneurship, increasing entrepreneurial knowledge and student skills in entrepreneurship. In addition, lecturers and students gave positive and very good responses to the products of entrepreneurship education programs that were produced in terms of relevance, reflection, interaction, tutor support, peer support and interpretation aspects.