Журнал бизнес-исследований



Structured review of accounting and blockchain

Willm Wadman

Economical money and block chain studies have earned impressive premium as of late. Yet, there has been no efficient examination of block chain in supportable money to far. To fill this hole, in light of the subject design of block chain research in the field of sustainable money from November 1, 2008 to January 31, 2022, this paper proposes a staggered and by and large round exhaustive bibliometric strategy (Co-event Examination technique, Normal Language Handling strategy, and Exploratory Variable Examination strategy) to fathom the mode, cycle, and system of the joining of them. That's what the discoveries demonstrate: Block chain has been broadly utilized in numerous ventures engaged with feasible money; Block chain will affect Maintainable Money in the fields of brilliant city and sharing economy; Block chain can be profoundly coordinated with different advances to advance the enhanced improvement of supportable money. Furthermore, we feature patterns and exploration headings in regards to block chain in manageable money research.