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A study on employee perception towards organisational climate and HR practices in it companies at Chennai

Bala Murugan G, Parthasarathi K

Organization climate refers to the quality of working environment. Organizational climate is determined by member characteristics i.e., age, qualifications, experience, gender etc. Apart from this there are several other organizational variables which also influence organizational climate namely communication, support system, reward system, conflict resolution, participation in decision making. Human resource management plays an important role and largely determines a firm’s success and failure. HRM is broadly defined as the area of professional practice and organizational activities. This study reveals significant differences in employees’ perception of organizational climate and HR practices across demographic and organizational variables. This survey was passed in IT companies in Chennai. The research design used for this study is descriptive in nature. Sampling technique adopted for this study is Convince sampling, non-probability sampling. Data collection is made with primary data and secondary data in this study. The primary data were collected through questionnaire by means of mailing with the employees. The source of secondary data was website, journals, and research paper. The tool used for analysing and interpreting the variables is percentage analysis, chisquare test in SPSS, and regression analysis in SPSS.