Журнал Академии бухгалтерского учета и финансовых исследований


Объем 27, Проблема 5 (2023)

исследовательская статья

The Quality of Auditors Reports and Their Impact on the Companies Financial Performance

  • Youssef Abdel Salam Abdi

исследовательская статья

The importance of Auditors and Earning Quality; A Malaysian Perspective

  • Asaad Munshid Mohammed

исследовательская статья

Integration between Additive Manufacturing and Value Chain Techniques and its role in Reducing costs

  • Noor Yaseen Makhlef, Mohammed Abdelwahid Flayyih

исследовательская статья

Capital Structure and the Profitability of a Firm: Empirical Evidence from Insurance Industry in Ghana

  • Dawuda Abudu, Luqman Abudu, Isaac Luke Agonbire Atugeba

исследовательская статья

Antecedents and Innovative Outcomes of Financial Technology Adoption of the Banking Industry: A Strategic View

  • Fekri Shawtri, Ibrahim Hussien Musa Magboul