Журнал исследований экономики и экономического образования


Объем 18, Проблема 2 (2017)

исследовательская статья

The Effect of Economic Growth In Relation to Unemployment

  • Shkumbin Misini, Myrvete Badivuku-Pantina

исследовательская статья

Are Worst Students Really More Overconfident? A Preliminary Test of Different Measures

  • Gianna Lotito, Anna Maffioletti, Marco Novarese

исследовательская статья

Point Elasticity Versus Arc Elasticity On Different Approaches to Teaching Elasticity in Principles Courses

  • Dmitry Shishkin, Andrei Olifer

Оригинальные статьи

The Roles and Challenges Confronting the School Governing Body in Representing Schools in the Digital Age

  • Lilian Ifunanya Nwosu, Joshua Ebere Chukwuere