Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



Trends and Assessment of the Foreign Economic Activities: A Case Study of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Akmaral Zh. Bukharbayeva, Assylbek Zh. Nauryzbayev, Aizhan K. Oralbayeva, Zhanna B. Smagulova, Ayagoz Mashayeva, Nurul Mohammad Zayed

The article discusses the problems and development trends, provides an economic assessment of the production and rice sales in the EAEU common economic area, and provides international experience in rice growing. Implementation of substantive consultations by the authorized agencies of the EAEU member states, conduction a comprehensive analysis of particular agricultural crops in the countries-members of the Union, distribution of raw material zones, resource support for the industry, financial and economic indicators, normative-legal regulation, measures of state support, indicators of external and mutual trade, as well as other aspects, allowed solving many agricultural problems, but at the same time they still do not ensure the full implementation of awns of individual countries, and not allowed to give a realistic assessment of the integration processes, as well as the effectiveness of the regional agricultural policy.