Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



The results of a primary research that investigated some aspects of conscious consumption among millennials and generation Z

Eva Polya & Zoltan Mate

Consumer consciousness have several aspects with totally different scopes, nevertheless different forms of consciousness can be characterized and well distinguished. In our paper we investigate members of Generation Z and Y (Millennials) and their relationship to conscious consumption. We introduce the main characteristics of these two generations, some important points where there is a difference among them during the purchase decision making process and somehow can be connected to consciousness. By several previous literatures the examined generations are more conscious environmentally and socially, hence we also introduce our findings about the attitudes and willingness to do for sustainability. We also investigated on what information sources the two generations base their conscious decisions to whom they listen to and via what type of media it is harder to get close to them. After a brief literature review the most important findings of our primary, quantitative research results are introduced highlighting the main similarities and differences between the two generations.