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The Regulation of Zakat Digital Technology in Creating Community Welfare Impact on Economic Development

Abidin Abidin, Pertiwi Utami

A research study with a mixture of exploratory methods was conducted to investigate why the digitization of zakat can improve people's welfare. This study explains how the role of digital zakat technology in the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in Indonesia through the Islamic economic approach includes the relationship between humans and the social environment. This study also explains how the relationship between the values of faith, sharia, and morals can influence perspectives on (1) acceptance of digital zakat technology; (2) zakat education; (3) the socio-economic environment. Zakat digital technology is formed by the development of multidimensional digitalization where people tend to use the internet for various economic activities. There is an assumption that technology has a negative impact on society, but other facts prove that technology can also have a positive impact on economic development. Zakat as an obligation for Muslims has a positive impact on the welfare of the community based on the value of justice in the distribution of wealth. Digital zakat is present as an efficient step to facilitate the management of zakat. Studies prove that digital zakat can increase the potential for receiving zakat significantly and the public also supports the implementation of digital zakat technology as an alternative management of zakat.