Журнал правовых, этических и нормативных вопросов



The Problematic of Provincial Tax Collection as Local Own-source Revenue in Indonesia

Mokhamad Khoirul Huda, Agus Yudha Hernoko, Ninis Nugraheni

Regional autonomy granted on local government to regulate and administer the governmental affairs in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services. To do so, the local government is authorized to collect taxes from its people. This research aimed to investigate the problematic of provincial tax collection in order to increase the own- source revenue of autonomous areas in Indonesia. The collection of local taxes is still not optimal. Thus, some necessary actions for betterment need to conduct, such as: a). Improving the human resources of tax authorities in terms of their capability in planning and monitoring the collection of taxes; b) Using technology of information to provide a fast and efficient services; and c) Enforcing the law to each of the taxpayers who violate the regulation of provincial taxes.