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The Management of Arabic Language and the Yellow Book Curriculum Planning at Islamic Boarding Schools in Respond to the Freedom to Learn Education System

Mahyudin Ritonga, S. Purnamasari, Meliza Budiarti, Ahmad Lahmi, Talqis Nurdianto, Sri Zulfida

 Purpose of study: The education minister's policy regarding freedom to learn need to be responded by every educational institution, however Islamic boarding schools have not shown a responsive attitude towards it in planning curriculum management. Therefore, this research aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the management of the yellow book and Arabic language curriculum planning at Islamic boarding schools to the freedom to learn education system.

Methodology: This research uses a qualitative method with a critical analysis approach because it aims to determine the strategies used to manage curriculum planning by the institution to welcome freedom to learn.

Result: The yellow book and Arabic learning system as the main curriculum in Islamic boarding schools do not carry out continuous planning and evaluation. Therefore, in responding to the freedom to learn, changes need to be made on the learning objectives, resources, methods, and media with the utilization of information and communication technology. The learning objectives are no longer limited to reading the yellow book, rather on the understanding of various information on Islam written in Arabic. Furthermore, learning methods are developed according to the students’ needs and are not limited to classical books with the utilization of technology by the media.

Implications/Applications: The research results have implications for the responsiveness attitude of the Islamic boarding school in making system changes to the yellow book learning. Therefore, steps need to be taken on policymaking by the leadership of the boarding school in terms of technology utilization on the learning system and updating the curriculum as demands from the times.