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The Future of Sustainability Reporting Environmental Disclosures Practices in Jordan

Mohammed Shanikat

Purpose: Due to social corporate responsibility, environment protection act, and stakeholders' rights, companies have to include environmental reports in their corporate profile as an aspect of corporate sustainability. Therefore, Environmental disclosure has become a critical issue for every corporate. This paper is an attempt to study the conceptual aspects of corporate environmental reporting and its regulatory framework. It also examines the consistency of Jordanian industrial companies in disclosing environmental issues as per GRI guidelines, as GRI indexes popularly adopted in the corporate world. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study also attempts to identify the extent of environmental disclosure under the seven of GRI indexes of the 46 Listed Industrial Companies in ASE. For the study, all the listed Industrial companies in ASE investigated. The data collected from secondary sources particularly from the annual corporate reports 2019. Statistical tools such as the ANOVA analysis technique initially used. ANOVA techniques test the study’s Hypothesis over the frequencies of issues that have stated in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) which are concerned with the environmental issues explored. A single factor or one-way ANOVA used to test two null hypotheses. Findings: The study found the disclosure practices of the seven GRI indexes practically among Jordanian industrial companies not significantly practiced. This concluded that Jordanian companies do not consider their environmental reporting. In addition, the disclosure practices of the seven GRI indexes practically among Jordanian industrial companies are not the same. Originality/Value: The study provided disclosure practice of the GRI standards concerned with environmental issues. In addition, it classified as the first study limited to study the GRI environmental standards in Jordan. Practical Recommendation: There is a suggestion for the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) to adopt the internationally recognized sustainability reports and indicators such as GRI standards so that the disclosure process is uniform and consistent and thus unifies the mechanism of disclosure of sustainability indicators in general and the environment in particular. This mechanism also enables effective comparison between companies in the same sector and other sectors at the local, regional and global levels.