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The effect of privacy concerns on children’s behavior on the internet: an empirical study from the parents' perspective

Alkhalifah, A., & Alghafis, A.

With the development of the Internet, the number of children online is rapidly increasing worldwide. Many children go online for various activities such as gaming, chatting, and browsing social networking sites. These activities come with different risks and privacy concerns. This study aims to investigate children’s behavior in relation to their information privacy on the Internet from their parents' perspective. The study explores different factors that could impact on privacy concerns and examines their effects on children’s behavior. It develops a model based on coping theory and the theory of planned behavior (TPB). The study employs the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to test the proposed hypotheses and presents high-quality research analysis. The results indicate that factors such as parental control, information disclosure, privacy risk, and subjective norms have effects on privacy concerns. Also confirmed in the study’s findings is the effect of privacy concerns on children’s behavior on the Internet. However, the hypothesized path relationship between privacy concerns and content on the Internet is not statistically significant. This study has theoretical and practical implications. It is hoped that the study’s findings will contribute to society with respect to children’s behavior on the Internet.
