Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



The Effect of Lean Supply Chain Activities in Reducing Pollution in Manufacturing Processes a Field Study of the Iraqi Central Refineries Company - Dora Refinery as a Sample

Suzan -Abdul Ghani-Ali, Nahda Ali Abbas, Mohamed Sodad A Wnal Rafek

 The Research aims to present and analyze the indicators of the activities of the lean supply chain (lean procurement, lean transportation, lean storage) and their impact on achieving a high level of pollution reduction in manufacturing processes (waste management, renewable energy, environmental education), the research problem crystallized in the following question (Do the activities of the lean supply chain affect the reduction of pollution in the manufacturing processes in the midland refineries company? What is the nature of the relationship between the two variables?), the midland Refineries Company was chosen to accommodate the applied field space for the research and its main tools represented by the questionnaire designed to test the aforementioned variables, That is, when the organization’s management is more interested in purchasing, transporting and storing the inputs in a lean form and manner, this will result in achieving a higher level of pollution reduction in the manufacturing processes in those organizations, The research concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the need to raise the level of interest in the axis of environmental pollution in its general form and in particular what is produced by industrialization processes, as it is an important source for the strategic orientation of contemporary organizations and at the same time it is an obsession that moves the whole world and the preoccupation of humanitarian and human rights organizations and others, therefore it is not an option for organizations as much what is inevitable.