Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



Sustainable Hotel Development

Troyanskaya Marija Aleksandrovna, Dugalova Gulnar Nazhmidenovna, Adietova Elmira Mizamgalievna, Berstembayeva Rysty, Bekmagambetova Gulmira, Abdikarimova Madina, Niyazbekova Shakizada

 Environmentally sound or "green" hotels – perspective business. Active transition to environmentally sound methods, involving protective attitude to natural resources, use of renewable energy sources and recycling, can increase the hotel revenue. Effective use of resources, improve human well-being and ensure social justice, stability with a significant decrease of ecological risks and perspective deterioration of the environment. Social responsibility of the hotels will lead not only to minimization of cost and to decrease the pressure on the environment, but also to consumer demand, which can pay more, to rest in eco-hotels. Hotels working with outdated technologies deliver devastating effect on the environment, however, in condition of stiff competition, risk to lose the opportunity to organize accommodation, and the main risk is to come to general global crisis. Today, the main competitive advantage of a hotel company is the implementation of green technologies and the sooner the hotels go on these technologies, will be better their situation on competitive market.