Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



Strategic Thoughts and Expectations of Students on the National Budget, 2019-20 in Bangladesh

Mohammed Masum Iqbal, Sunjida Khan, Nurul Mohammad Zayed

Education is one of the important indicators of nation’s economic development. So education sector should be highlighted in budgetary allocation. The more budget is allocated, the more improvement is occurred. Government and policy makers can consider students’ expectation while preparing budget and should emphasis not only on public sector but also on private sector as well. Students are the major part of the population. So their thoughts and expectations may reflect on the upcoming budget and can play a significant role. A bunch of students of Daffodil International Universities showed their views and expectations on forthcoming national budget 2019-2020. This study tried to seek the youth population specially the students’ expectations and thoughts on budget 2019-2020. Since they are directly involved in education sector, they expect more budgetary allocation on this segment for the improvement of this sector and at the same time they have identified some problems and issues on existing budget. The study will be a success when they justify their opinions and use these outcomes for further considerations.
