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Problematic Aspects of International Standards Regulating Human Rights to Health and Medical Care

Svetlana Sylkina, Aiman Omarova, Serikkali Tynybekov, Zaripa Adanbekova, Adlet Yergali

This article is conducted to legal analysis of international and domestic laws that ensure human rights to health and medical care, as well as mechanisms of its realization in the legislative framework using the examples of specific states. The methods and forms of securing this right in the basic law of states is being researched through comparative analysis without going into detailed consideration of special normative legal acts. Health and the right to its protection is a fundamental factor for achieving peace and security throughout the world. Despite the universal recognition and consolidation of the right to health and medical care in various international agreements, its implementation rests on a particular state. Basing on international standards in the area of rights to health and medical care and also forming a national health care system, states are obliged to rigorously follow the norms of international treaties which they had ratified. Problematic aspects that arise in this case are also analysed in this article.