Журнал Академии маркетинговых исследований



Post-switching Behavior: Bottom of the Pyramid (Bop) Stockpiling as a Result of Sales Promotion

James Lappeman, Titi Kabi, Hannah Oglesby, Olivia Palmer.

Understanding brand switching behaviour enables companies to attract new consumers, win back lost ones and ultimately strengthen the relationship consumers have with brands. Sales promotions have been identified as a key driver for consumers switching brands and use a significant share of the total marketing expenditure. Whilst a fair amount of research has been conducted on the effect of sales promotions on brand switching behaviour, limited research has been conducted on the behaviour that follows once consumers have switched brands. This study identifies consumers’ post-switching behaviour, specifically the likelihood to stockpile after a consumer has brand switched in the understudied South African Bottom of the Pyramid market. Positive significant relationships were identified between all the constructs and it was found that the type of sales promotion did not moderate the relationship between sales involvement and brand switching. Brand switching did, however, mediate the relationship between sales involvement and stockpiling.