Журнал правовых, этических и нормативных вопросов



Past and Present in Mind of Nizhniy Novgorod Citizens: Socioanthropic Study

Olga Nemova, Svadbina, Veronika Retivina, Chepurnowa, Mihail Schlyakhov, Natalia Shevchenko

Awareness about the historical past, its evaluation and interpretation by the society has a great scientific significance, since the self-consciousness of any nation begins precisely from the history. Its symbolically significant events mould the semantic basis of the national and civil identity. At the same time, the historical awareness of the nation is subject to a variety of factors: Political, socio-economic, spiritual and moral ones. Life itself is changing and the historical awareness is gradually changing along with it. The purpose of the study, the results of which are presented in this article, is the study of historical perceptions of Nizhniy Novgorod citizens regarding the historical past of our country. A particular emphasis is made on the analysis of intergenerational similarities and differences to various historical moments, as one of the most important tasks of the study was to identify the presence or absence of an intergenerational crisis in the contemporary Russian society on the example of assessment of history and its possible development trajectories.