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Mandatory Coronavirus Disease-19 (Covid-19) Vaccination in Indonesia: Legal Aspect

Muhammad Hafiz Aini, Gunawan Widjaja

 COVID-19 pandemic has spread globally and has reached a dangerous point. COVID-19 pandemic has even been declared a national health emergency in Indonesia. Various efforts have been made to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is vaccination. The COVID-19 vaccination aims to establish herd immunity. Herd immunity requires about 70% of the population to be vaccinated. However, the vaccination raises pros and cons in the community. There are even groups of people who refuse to be vaccinated. This community group feels that mandatory vaccination violates human rights and doubts about the quality of the vaccine. The Government has taken a policy to mandate vaccination with administrative and criminal sanctions that are different from the approach of WHO and other countries. This research is a normative study with a conceptual and a normative approach analysis. Data uses secondary data from the literature, both legal and non-legal materials related to covid vaccination. The results show that vaccination is a very important policy in COVID-19 countermeasures. Mandatory vaccination must be carried out to protect all citizens according to the Indonesian constitution. Vaccination is also part of human rights that must be accommodated and implemented. However, in its implementation, there are problems with doubts and rejection of the vaccine. This obligation causes the restriction of several human rights.

However, refusal to vaccinate can violate human rights because it can harm other people and the nation. Therefore, the provision of both administrative and criminal sanctions should be the ultimum remedium. A persuasive and promotive approach and socialization should be the initial approach. However, the regulation of vaccination obligations has shortcomings ranging from the potential for errors in law-making procedures to the absence of an umbrella act. Umbrella act specifically for COVID-19 is a must-have due to an abnormal situation. And the obligation to vaccinate citizens also has implications for the state to be obliged to carry out vaccinations. The Government is obliged to run a vaccination program by ensuring the availability, access, acceptance, and quality of COVID-19 vaccinations.