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Innovation Based on Balinese Local Genius Shifting Alternative Legal Concept: Towards Indonesia Development Acceleration

I Dewa Made Suartha, I Dewa Agung Gede Mahardika Martha, Bagus Hermanto

Roscoe Pound revealed that the fundamental task of law is conducting a social engineering framework. This argument was agreed by Mochtar Kusumaatmadja with proposing law as an instrument of society development that inseparable with national legal policy making process during New Order in Indonesia. Based on these arguments, Satjipto Rahardjo revealed that law science is not a human intellectual idea, however it comes, flows, and based on the fact that law is in society dynamics. Law is effectively works if three of legal system elements are develops following the accommodation and harmonization of local genius values that exists in our society, in this context, Balinese local genius including Tri Hita Karana value that internalized within national and international legal order. This article is conducted with normative legal research, based on statutory law approach, legal conceptual approach, and legal philosophical approach. This article is generating new insight concerning alternative legal concept to propose legal development acceleration in Indonesia. In this context, Balinese local genius has harmonious and comprehensive values that in line with legal needs to ensure future national legal development acceleration in Indonesia.