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Implementation of Double Track System in the Juvenile-Crime Jurisdiction Process

Erna Dewi, Suryati Endang Prasetyawati, Siska Dwi Azizah Warganegara, Dona Raisa Monica, Heni Siswanto

The Double Track System’s implementation in the juvenile-crime justice process is viewed through three decisions of juvenile cases: (1) Kota Agung District Court Number 2/Pid.Sus-Anak/2014/PN.Kot in 2014, (2) Liwa District Court Number 12/Pid.sus/2014/PN.LW in 2014, and (3) Gunung Sugih District Court Number 8/Pid.Sus-Anak/2017/PN.Gns of 2017. These decisions follow the Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice System (Law). Article 69 paragraph (1) and Article 71 Paragraph (1) point e of the Juvenile Justice System Law regulate 2 (two) years and 6 (six) months of imprisonment for children’s perpetrators at the Children’s Special Development Institutions or Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA). The Juvenile Justice System Law states that the juvenile criminal justice system recognizes the child's best interests, deprivation of independence, and criminal penalties as last treatment for juvenile crimes. Furthermore, Article 82 paragraph (1) point (a) to the Juvenile Justice System Law stipulates that child as crime perpetrators are possibly supervised under their parents/guardian’s care. Thus, the sanctions’ application in these court decisions against the case is aligned with the prevailing legal system of justice.
