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Gender Equality Inclusion into Indonesia Regional Development Plan Cycle Based on Pancasila and Gender Mainstreaming

Ni Luh Gede Astariyani, Bagus Hermanto, Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari, Kadek Agus Sudiarawan

The international community that represented in the United Nations World Summit shift gender equality agenda into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). The SDG’s stipulates the obligation for United Nations members to respect, protect, regulate, and fulfill national development agenda that reflected the furtherance of gender equality agenda, based on local, national, and international values, and also it is reflected gender mainstreaming in all spheres of national development. In Indonesia, the gender mainstreaming was regulates in the 1945 Indonesia Constitution, the 1999 Human Rights Law, and Presidential Instruction 9/2000 that placed as legal framework of gender equality agenda based on gender mainstreaming and implementation of Pancasila. The gender equality agenda also placed into regional development plan cycle. This paper has specific interest to examine gender equality agenda in Indonesia’s Regional Development Plan Cycle. This paper also conducted by using normative legal research with a combination of statutory law approach, conceptual approach, and legal philosophical approach. This paper research concluded that there is encouragement of gender mainstreaming and Pancasila into regional policies with aims to reduce a number of economic, social, cultural, and legal problem that inhibiting gender equality agenda. This paper also concluded with furtherance regional development agenda as comprehensive and interrelated framework to implement gender equality based on Pancasila and gender mainstreaming.