Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



Formation of the Logistics Services Market for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Context of Globalization

Olga Nicolaevna Bykova, Valentina Mikhailovna Repnikova, Vladimir Gavrilovich Starovoytov, Kira Alekseevna Artamonova, Olga Yurievna Gavel, Pavel Nikolaevich Sharonin

The article deals with the development of approaches to the formation of the logistics services market for small and medium-sized businesses in the context of globalization. In the course of the research, the authors have identified the main problems that hinder the development of the logistics services market, which include lack of renewal of fixed assets in the industrial infrastructure sectors, technical level of fixed assets inconsistent with the current and future requirements, and the low level of intersectoral coordination in the development of transport infrastructure, which leads to the separation of single transport space and wasteful use of resources. It is established that one of the development areas of the logistic services market consists in designing a comprehensive program of logistics development for the small and medium-sized business entities, aimed at increasing efficiency of their performance, organizing a rational system of logistics services for transportation needs, and forming the competitive environment in the small and medium-sized businesses sector. It is proved that the current development stage of the logistics services market is characterized by certain positive shifts, such as the improving the information service, which is manifested in the readiness of logistics companies to promptly provide small and medium-sized businesses with the necessary information, as well as concluding long-term contracts, which allows implementing long-term development plans. It is revealed that the presence of the logistics operator's own assets is an important factor. Small and medium-sized businesses that have such assets mainly carry out cargo transportation by road, air, and sea.