Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



Entrepreneurship Learning Based on Business Model Canvas Creates Competitive Advantage

Suranto, Siti Nurlaela

The ability of Indonesian higher education graduates to compete or create jobs is not optimal. The undergraduate unemployment rate is actually higher than the total national unemployment. This study examines and analyzes the impact of the application of Business Model Canvas entrepreneurship learning on improving student achievement and entrepreneurial intentions and how the interaction between the level of entrepreneurial learning achievement and the application of the Business Model Canvas creates a Competitive Advantage for entrepreneurial intentions. The method used is a quasi-experimental by assigning two classes of entrepreneurship courses as an experimental class (Business Model Canvas class) and one control class. Hypothesis testing with t test and ANOVA. The findings show that the average entrepreneurial learning achievement in the Business Model Canvas class is higher than the control class. The average score for entrepreneurial intentions in the Business Model Canvas class is only higher. Learning entrepreneurship using the Business Model Canvas has been proven to be positive and can significantly improve learning achievement.