Международный журнал предпринимательства



Entrepreneurship Education Of The Formation Of The E-Commerce Managers Professional Qualities

Oleksandr Akimov, Marta Karpa, Oksana Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, Vasily Kupriichuk, Azad Omarov

It is established that the e-commerce manager activity is determined by the general features and functions of the management activity, specific features and functions of the ecommerce and its own psychological characteristics, including the necessary professional knowledge, skills, complex of professionally important qualities and professional goals. The conceptual model of entrepreneurship education of e-commerce management has been developed on the basis of certain theoretical and methodological bases of the research, it opens wide perspectives for the analysis not only of the e-commerce management process, but also the manager development process as an e-commerce subject, the interiorization of the objective forms of its activities in the subjective ones by him. The place of trust in the interaction of ecommerce entities has been justified. Due to its a priori, on one hand, it is associated with risk, and on the other hand-it requires validation by experience, depending on it its initial level is constantly adjusted.