Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



Employee Performance Optimization through Discipline that Formed by Providing Motivation and Training

Harries Madiistriyatno, Kamsinah

The goals of this research is to empirically test the formation of discipline by providing motivation and training, as well as its consequence on the achievement of optimizing employee performance. This study is an inferential study with data analysis using The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) from the AMOS 20 statistical software package. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire that is given a quantitative Likert scale assessment. The outcomes of this study prove that the optimization of employee performance can be achieved by providing motivation and training to employees. Giving motivation to employees has a greater influence in achieving performance compared to providing training. Likewise, the provision of motivation and training will affect the optimization of employee performance indirectly after going through the formation of work discipline first. The significant research findings are that work discipline formed through the provision of motivation and training has a greater influence on employee performance than directly without the formation discipline first.