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Development of green business in the EU: Obstacles and state support

Sagaydack, J., Kharchenko, T., Kendus, D., Proshchalykina, A., & Hrabar, M., Chubuk, L.

New lifestyles, the evolution of consumer behavior and the constant changes in their preferences, combined with widespread environmental concerns, industrial heritage and sustainable development, are all factors that have led to the emergence of new niches for business. This article stressed the importance of developing "green business" in the context of sustainable development. The objectives of this article are to study important issues in the implementation of the concept of "green business" in the EU. The main methods used in this study are statistical analysis, index, analytical methods, grouping methods and comparisons. The generally accepted methods of economic research, in particular economic-statistical, economic-mathematical modeling (regression analysis) are also used.

The forms of realization of the concept of green business in the EU are considered, the state support of ecotourism as the main direction of "green business" in the conditions of a pandemic is also analyzed. The effectiveness of the development of "green business" in the EU was assessed using a set of indicators for the development of green growth, which concluded that the level of greening of production and intensification of the development of "green business" in the EU. The consequences of the EU's "green course" have also been characterized structural reformatting of the energy balance and reorientation to the use of alternative, renewable energy sources for production purposes. To assess the impact of green business development on GDP per capita, a regression analysis was used, which showed that the increase in R&D (Research&Development) expenditures on renewable energy research and the share of renewable energy in the overall energy balance will negatively affect GDP per capita.