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Determinants of financial performance of non-profit organizations

Rui Silva, Marcio Oliveira, Marlene Sousa, Tania Santos

 Financial performance can be seen as a determinant of organizational sustainability. Although non-profit organizations do not present as their main objective of obtaining profit but rather the fulfilment of a mission, this logic should not be very different for these organizations. Nevertheless, given this specificity, it is important to understand which major areas in managing these organizations effectively influence their financial performance. Thus, for the present study, and using a quantitative methodology, we analyzed strategic management, governance, human resource management and management of social services, promoted by the Holy Houses of Mercy, a non-profit organization with a stronger presence in portuguese society. It was possible to verify that, among these areas, only human resource management positively influences the financial performance of these institutions, that strategic management presents a negative influence and that governance and social responses do not present a direct relationship with financial performance.