Журнал Академии бухгалтерского учета и финансовых исследований



Bench Test of the Multi- Function Coconut Husk Processing Machine

Frederick Villa

The goal was to improve and test competitiveness of micro-scale coconut enterprises, particularly in rural regions, by designing and fabricating a combined coconut husk decorticator, chipper, and compost mixer machine. A cold roll shaft and a single 6hp diesel engine generator were used to connect three distinct machines. The decorticator is used to make coir dust and coir fiber from coconut husk. Chips are made from coconut husk using the chipper. The compost mixer is used to combine coir dust with biodegradable wastes. These integrated machines were designed to increase the usage of coconut husks, which are often overlooked by farmers and industries. Farmers may earn more and become more competitive by constructing this integrated decorticator, chipper, and mixer. The output of using many machines at the same time was as follows: (1) In an hour, the Decorticator machine processed 293 pieces of coconut husks, yielding 52.67 kg of fiber and 123.00 kg of dust. (2) With a product output of 151 kg, the chipper machine processed an average of 274 pieces of coconut husks each hour. (3) In an hour, the mixer blended 6.08 sacks of coir dust and 6.08 biodegradable trash.
