Журнал Академии стратегического менеджмента



Beach Attraction Upcoming Model in Bangka Island Indonesia

Agung Wahyu Handaru, Marsellisa Nindito, Saparuddin Mukhtar, Umi Mardiyati

Beach attraction of Batu Kapur and Batu Belimbing is relatively unsatisfactory based on visitor testimonies. Although the natural scenery in both locations is enjoyable, poor tourism management lowers the sum of visitor, especially overseas tourists. Close observation and intensive interviews with local people, government officer, and beach visitor have revealed that there are at least two major problems related to low visitor number. First, low quality of basic tourism infrastructure, and second, lack of intended and programmed attraction that can improved beach potentials. Afterward, qualitative data triangulation has concluded that beach attraction in both locations can be divided into three models: water-based sport, sand-based recreational sport, and festival.