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Analytical Approach on Small and Medium Pakistani Businesses Based on E-Commerce Ethics with Effect on Customer Repurchase Objectives and Loyalty

Muhammad Tanveer

It has been acknowledged that e-commerce based on the notional and hypothetical sense got much attentions of the research since last few decades. In further explanation, unfortunately, SMEs B2B e-commerce related to its ethics given less attentions and courtesies. Likewise, the core concerns of this research are to assess the framework that highlights intentions and loyalty of the purchasers and their purchasing consideration with connection to B2B SME's e-commerce ethics. Predominantly, the findings of this research promulgate the building ethics related to the suppliers, which are communication, value exchanged, security, reliability satisfying, service recovery, and non-disappointment. Moreover, highly prognostic intentions of the online purchasers that consuming the SEM for examining the sample of small business e-commerce firms and related material related to the country of Pakistan are the focusing of this research. In addition, our findings show that thea most important element of relationship building is reliability/fulfillment and non-deception. Furthermore, the consistency of the partnership that has positive impact on the purchasers and their loyalty is aimed in this research too. The findings have important repercussions for B2B e-commerce and can inspire more study for enhancing relationship marketing and its future considerations.