Журнал правовых, этических и нормативных вопросов



An Agreement as a Legal Mechanism Regulating Property and Non-Property Relations within a Family

Aliya Yanvarbekovna Mussayeva, Mukasheva Anar Abaihanovna, Askarbekkyzy Nazira, Baktykhozhaev Zhangali, Auyeshova Bagdat

This paper discusses matters concerning an agreement regulating property and non-property relations within the scope of the family law. The problem and reason for the low use of marital agreements in this country is lack of explanatory work concerning the necessity of signing a marital agreement, absence of training, which is commonly practiced in civilized countries, and lack of information on TV, radio and billboards about spouses’ rights as it is required by the law. Once the state solves this legal issue, we will move a step closer to the civilized world. It is believed that in today’s Kazakhstan, given the increasing income following the transition from the command Soviet-style economy to broader civil transactions, drafting a marital contract is a necessity, because in the civilized world marital agreements ensure spouses’ responsibility for each other.