Журнал правовых, этических и нормативных вопросов



Agreement on Share Participation in Housing Construction: Historical Aspect and Legal Nature

Zhanara T. Kumisbekova, Svetlana P. Moroz, Maigul N. Abilova, Alia N. Seitova, Vitaliy V. Ten

This article is relevant since legal regulation of shared construction participation is imperfect while the related legislation is renewed. In this regard, there was a demand for a comprehensive assessment of public relations arising in the context of shared construction participation and for defined legal essence of the contract that grounds the emergence of legal relations associated with shared construction participation. Methodology of research was based on analyzing domestic and foreign theoreticians in law especially Shared Construction Participation Agreement. This article draws a conclusion that an agreement regulating these relations is qualified as a separate, independent type of civil law contract, which main purpose is to protect the rights and interests of co-investors investing in housing construction by way of share participation.